Bird Control That Demonstrates Innovation One of the key qualities to have as a bird control specialist is the ability to adapt to the situation at hand. Pest bird problems develop in a variety of different places on buildings. No two bird control problems are the same. Before you place your foot on the premises for that first site visit, you have no idea what bird infestation issues await you.
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Our DIY Bird Proofing Product Range
Our DIY Bird Proofing Product Range As our local YouTube celebrity, SuzelleDIY, always says, “DIY? Because anybody can.” And, this statement could not be more true when it comes to our DIY Bird Proofing product range. All of you DIY enthusiasts out there will be happy to know that many of the quality pest bird deterrent products we make use of are available to purchase through our online store for
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Checking For Pest Birds At The Office
Checking For Pest Birds At The Office In our experience, when human activity at a premises is reduced or has come to a complete halt, the number of pest birds at the premises increases exponentially. While many of us are still working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the buildings we usually occupy for work have little to no activity taking place in or around them. The lack of
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Lockdown: Maintaining A Safe Environment
Lockdown: Maintaining A Safe Environment Whether you are stuck at home or working to provide essential services to the public during this lockdown period, but are however without the luxury of having your favourite Bird Proofing company (that would be us ?) to visit and rid your premises of any pest bird infestation, there are certain measures one can take in the interim to ensure that your immediate environment remains
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Bird Proofing Of New Development
Bird Proofing of New Mixed-Use Development in the CBD We were recently afforded the opportunity to carry out a large-scale Bird Proofing installation for a prominent construction company at a high-rise Mixed-Use Development currently under construction in the Cape Town CBD. We were first contacted by the Architects almost 2 years ago, during the design phase of this project. As our management team are very comfortable with, and know their
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Bird Droppings and Salmonellosis
Bird Droppings and Salmonellosis Resulting from the presence of Salmonella Bacteria, Salmonellosis generally presents itself in the form of Food Poisoning and is most often attributed to the consumption of contaminated foods, as well as undercooked foods such as meat and eggs. However, Salmonellosis has also been linked to pest birds such as Pigeons, Starlings and Sparrows, where it has been discovered that, while the disease can be transferred via
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SheerStop Net: Now Available for DIY
SheerStop Net: Now Available for DIY We are happy to announce that SheerStop Net Bird Deterrent Netting, one of the first and most reliable products to have been added to our product portfolio some 18 Years ago, has officially been added to our Online Store. If you haven’t visited our Online Store, filled with some of the best products in our artillery, then you are missing out. We have everything
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Bird Proofing of Solar Panels
Bird Proofing of Solar Panels Solar panels perform an essential role in the conservation of resources and the reduction of air pollution. They are a source of free electricity, created by means of a number of photovoltaic cells on the panel, which allow particles of light (photons) to release electrons from atoms, generating electricity for us to make use of. In order for these Solar Panel systems to remain functional,
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Mayfair Square: Bird Proofing Installation
Mayfair Square One of South Africa’s leading property development companies, Rabie Property Group, have been responsible for the construction of a large number of ground-breaking developments in the Western Cape Region of late. One such project is the commercial development known as Mayfair Square, boasting six office buildings, and situated in Century City. Having completed a successful bird proofing installation at the residential Mayfair apartment complex last year, Bird Deterrent
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Roggebaai Place: Bird Proofing Installation
Roggebaai Place The Bird Deterrent Specialists team recently completed a bird proofing installation at the Roggebaai Place building situated in Foreshore, Cape Town, for Growthpoint Properties. Of the many buildings in the City Centre currently experiencing pest bird infestation, the owners, tenants and managers of Roggebaai Place building, situated in the Foreshore section of the CBD, were dealing with a particularly heavy pigeon infestation, predominantly on the lower half of
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